Welcome to Northampton County Archives
The Northampton County Archives Division has gone through several transformations over the years, but is proud to call 999 Conroy Place in Forks Township, our home.
The Northampton County Archives stores records for over 30 different county offices including 48 different filing systems during various time periods throughout the past 270 years in Northampton County history. The Archives is instrumental in providing record services for both the public and county offices on a daily basis. The Archives is comprised of 172 rows of movable shelving.
Requesting Historical Records
Please contact our office at 610-829-1220 or by e-mail at SFerry@norcopa.gov prior to making your record request.
If visiting the archives in-person, all records must be handled with care. There is no fee for researching records during an in-person visit.
- $5.00 per name search when requesting records by mail or e-mail.
- $ .50 per page for copies when requesting records in-person, by mail, or e-mail.
- For in-person requests: you may use cash or check made payable to the Northampton County Archives.
- No $50 bills or $100 bills will be accepted for payment.
- For mail and e-mail requests: checks may be made payable to the Northampton County Archives.
- Please note: The archives staff may determine a document may not be safely copied due to the condition of the record. If a document is unable to be photocopied, you are always welcome to hand-transcribe.
Request Non-Historical Records
For Non-Historical Records, you must contact the originating office. Please review the FAQ’s tab below for more information.
Northampton County History Resources
- Easton Area Public Library Local History Room: Marx Room Home (eastonpl.org)
- Sigal Museum and Northampton County Historical and Genealogical Society: http://sigalmuseum.org/
- Lehigh Valley Historical Maps Consortium: http://www.lvhistoricalmaps.org/
- Moravian Archives: http://www.moravianchurcharchives.org/
- Moravian Historical Society: http://www.moravianhistoricalsociety.org/
- Slate Belt Heritage Center: http://slatebeltheritage.net/
- PA State Archives: www.phmc.state.pa.us
Helpful Hints to Start Your Research
How do I request copies of a Court Transcript?

How do I research a birth and death record?

How may I obtain a copy of my marriage license?

How do I obtain a copy of my divorce record?

May I get a copy of my civil or criminal file at the archives instead of going to the courthouse?

How do I find out the age of my home?

If I am trying to locate a civil (prothonotary) record using the ejectment and miscellaneous indexes at the civil (prothonotary) office but I cannot find a file number, is there any other way to acces